Church Planting

Nationally Led, Financially Independentchurch_plant

Church planting is the natural reward of discipling national leaders. Many of our School of Ministry graduates move on to unreached areas in their nation or beyond its borders to preach the gospel and establish fellowships of new believers. Since these leaders receive training in both spiritual disciplines and real-life skills, the churches they plant are nationally led and financially independent.

We first learned to plant village churches. But as we grow, our hearts return to the book of Acts and the leading of the Holy Spirit. In this season, we seek to follow Paul, who went to the big cities of his day, where fast-moving economies and high education levels fed rapid church growth. In Latin America and Africa, we strategically target urban centers with the goal of establishing mission-minded ministries in those cities that in turn reach out to their suburbs and surrounding villages.

While the goal of national led churches is for them to be financially independent churches in the early stages of growth may still face financial challenges.  As well there is the opportunity to be supportive with other expenses like building projects, equipment, curriculum, and outreach ministries like Vacation Bible Schools for children.